We will uncover the core patterns that are keeping you from your dream life.
I will show you how to release the trauma, the limitations and beliefs not serving you.
You will create a natural free-flowing life of joy, a free, happy, serene, productive life no matter what is going on around you.
You will come ‘home' to your true self, your precious life. You will no longer endure a half-lived life. You will live from your whole heart.
At the end of our every session together you will have a new outlook on your life and a tool to use immediately to help you dance along your way.
Your old self and your ego may want to pull you back but you will be alert and not relinquish your new freedom.
You will be aware of the rules and beliefs of parents, schools and society that quelled your original delight and love of life.
You will be in gratitude for all that you have experienced. You will understand it was the prelude to your transformation.
Helpful tools we may explore: Breathwork, Meditation, Inner-Child work, Insights, Reframing, Imagination, Divine inspiration, Guides, Angels and more.
Single Session 90 minutes $130
3 sessions paid in advance $360
Please call or message me to make an appointment.
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