A beach A cup
Welcome. I am Nicole Lewis, Facilitator of Change:

Life Transformed Coach
Remedial Massage Therapist
Stargate Meditation Facilitator

I am here to guide you in designing the life you have always wanted, to guide you as you put yourself on the path of being who you really want to be, came here to be, feeling fully expressed, fulfilled, satisfied, happy and joyful.

I offer three pathways to your Divinely Real Life -

The Way of Life Transformed Coaching
The Way of Massage, Energy Work and Crystal Tones
The Way of The Stargate Meditation Experience and Facilitation

Over 8 weeks you will be creating your life by design, laying the foundations and integrating your new skills.

The good news. I offer a free 45 minute private session on Zoom, Messenger or Skype where you can bring your most pressing difficulty to unravel. At the end of our time together, you will feel lighter and have a takeaway tool that you can use straight away. This session is a gift and allows you to see your way more clearly. A chance to ask questions too.

After the session if you wish, choose one of the three pathways above and commit to creating a new way of being for yourself, stress-free living, real happiness and a truly divine life.


If you want just to 'dip your toes in the water', you might like a single Life Transformed Coaching, Massage or Stargate Meditation session.

Call or message me to make a time for your free 45 minute, no obligation appointment.

Life Transformed Coaching
Stargate Meditation
Here is my story...

Chapter One

“Life was never meant to be a struggle; just a gentle progression from one point to another, much like walking through a valley on a sunny day.” Stuart Wilde.

At a Melbourne conference centre in the 80’s, I heard these words. Stuart Wilde, known as one of the most impacting personalities in the Human Potential Movement, was strutting charismatically across the stage, expressing concepts that rocked my world. Yet another (serious, as I thought) relationship had crumbled. I did not feel as though I was walking through a sunlit valley. ‘You are not who you think you are’, he continued, ‘you are not your name, your body, your mind, your feelings or your emotions...’ At least I have my job, I thought… ‘And not your job’, he added. I had come to understand the mystery of life. I stayed.

Over the next many years, I ravenously attended self-development workshops and courses, sweat lodges in Australia and USA, in Cherokee Indian country. I met Denise Lynn, studied aspects of the American Indian way and 4 Directions Healing, met Jean Houston and learnt that the only emotions are Love and Fear, then Deepak Chopra, who said;
“The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself...” and added, “...holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath - you will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go and it will be yours forever.”
I walked over hot stones, learnt Rebirthing, Shiatsu, Yoga, Reiki, Vipassana Meditation, Counselling, Postural Integration, Remedial Massage, Transcadence Massage, listened to channellings of Ramtha and Kha’roum, sat with Sai Baba, Amrita and Muktananda and read everything ever written by Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer... all the while teaching at Secondary School.

A passion to be a Massage Practitioner was born.

How could I leave teaching? I did. My new career blossomed and flourished.

Today, I continue to study new techniques and develop new skills.

My primary mentors today are Rikka Zimmerman (Global Leader in Consciousness), Kryon (courtesy Lee Carroll), Abraham (courtesy Esther Hicks), Alcazar (courtesy Prageet Harris & Julieanne Conard).

To Massage I add advanced energy work. Counselling is now Life Transformed Coaching. The unique Stargate and Stargate Awakening are now the focus of Meditation.

Spending time in these 3 areas, allows the Body, Mind and Soul the opportunity to receive nourishment, expansion and heightened awareness. "Life's enchanted cup but sparkles at the brim," said Lord Byron in the early 1800's.

Now, it is time to dive in...

If you are choosing an 8 week Life by Design program, call or message me for your free 45 minute no obligation session.

As you read on, take the time to notice what gets your attention. What are you drawn to? How will you design your life?

Life Coaching
Life by Design