
with nicole lewis

discovery blog
Welcome to Nicole's blog,
Your next step for a better life.


July 27, 2019

A 10 cm ball of crystal sitting on a square crystal base. Since it came into my house in May, the air has been fresher and brighter. I found it in Europe and bough...

A 10 cm ball of crystal sitting on a square crystal base. Since it came into my house in May, the air has been fresher and brighter. I found it in Europe and bought it to clear the EMFs created by computer and mobile phone. It’s doing more than that …

When I started to glean more information about Tachyon from the Internet I found that Tachyon Energy is Free Energy, not energy of a particular frequency like Orgone or Photon, Magnetic Energy or that produced by Sound. It is not a certain type of energy, rather it includes all energies within it. It is a Life Force Energy.

“Tachyon Energy is the first energetic structure that emerges out of non-structured, formless Zero-Point Energy” writes H.J. in The Healers Journal. He goes on to say, “Tachyon moves beyond the speed of light so it has no gravitational pull and cannot stick to anything or any energy and no energy can stick to it.’ So whatever emotion or physical state we’re emitting, Tachyon Energy won’t be prevented from giving us access to pure Zero Point energy.

Ah, this could explain why I did not experience the familiar jetlag after a long-haul flight when I returned from overseas 3 days ago. Especially as now I have not one but two Tachyon Balls in my house. I brought back another for a friend. I was up early the day following my homeward flight, walking on the sand and watching little waves wash into shore, the green fruit from the mangroves across the bay.

This non-specific effect where Tachyon Energy appears to give the body the raw material to create what it needs, reminds me of Reiki (Universal Energy) which is channelled through the practitioner for the body to balance and regenerate itself. Our bodies are always seeking to return to stasis - to balance and that brings us back to health.

Having slept at home in the tachyonized energy field for 6 hours after 15 hours of flying and 8 hours of waiting for flights, my body and emotions were in perfect balance.

In the photo you will see Inside the Tachyon Crystal Ball a laser-etched Stargate.

A list of just some of the benefits of Tachyonized products::
• detoxification
• increase in absorption of vitamins and minerals
• increase in energy
• increase in awareness of subtle energies
• increase in brain function
• Increase in circulation
• increase in muscle recovery in athletes, decrease in fatigue, better performance (H.J.The Healing Journal)

I wonder what other wonders this century will bring forth!

CLIMBING TO THE MOON: Finding the second tallest Bosnian Pyramid

July 16, 2019

The partly unclothed Pyramid of the Moon rested serenely in the shadow of the Pyramid of the Sun. We sat on an exposed terrace that revealed the material used to build it - sandsto...

The partly unclothed Pyramid of the Moon rested serenely in the shadow of the Pyramid of the Sun. We sat on an exposed terrace that revealed the material used to build it - sandstone plates and tiles with clay between. The Pyramid of the Dragon, as yet unexcavated, stood close by.

The Sun, Moon and Dragon Pyramids we learned, form a precise, equilateral triangle. The measurement from top to top is 2170 metres.

To reach the exposed terrace we had walked past farm houses and vigorous fields of sprouting vegetables, past prolific flower beds and farm animals in brimming health. I wondered if those farmers knew of their good fortune in living so close to the Pyramid of the Moon.

”During the summer solstice, the shadow cast by the Sun Pyramid fits perfectly within the adjacent Moon Pyramid's facing side”, I read on an information board.

This demonstrated the precise astronomical knowledge of its builders. It continued, “The precision is also demonstrated by the orientation of the North side, which is exactly cosmic North with a less than a one degree margin of error (verified by State Institute of Geodesy (2006.)

“190 metres high, the Pyramid of the Moon is the world's second tallest, following the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (220 metres) and higher than Khufu's Great Pyramid of Egypt (148 metres).

“It is a three-sided pyramid with a plateau leading to the top from the East. The other sides (North, West, South) match the cardinal points.
“Archaeological field work shows that under layers of soil and vegetation, the Moon Pyramid is a huge stone/clay three-sided terraced pyramid.”

We toiled up steps to a second terrace and a third. There we stopped for a meditation. Tuning in to the environment we became aware of a sense of warmth. This was a moon pyramid and was emitting feminine energy. “Gentle energy that beckons you to let go” Alcazar was saying. We relaxed thankful for softness after the strenuous ascent.

The farms and houses spread out below. We were sitting where 10,350 years ago ( plus - minus 50 years, according to carbon dating), people were labouring, hauling stone and clay to create this great edifice. We could feel a surge of energy spiralling around us as we sat. To them its purpose was known. To us it was an awesome mystery.

The sun was setting. We retraced our steps. We had an appointment at the Ravne Tunnels.

We were to spend two night hours within the earth meditating with Alcazar in the highly oxygenated air ( 22% to 24%), where negative ion readings were 28 kHz and the Schumann Frequency 7.8 Hertz, a level at which one slips easily into alpha and deep relaxation… We were ready…

LABYRINTH UNDER THE GROUND: Discovering the Ravne Tunnels

July 06, 2019

Fresh cool air was floating across my face, I could breathe.

I had walked about fifty metres into a tunnel, one arm of a labyrinth spreading underground towards the ...

Fresh cool air was floating across my face, I could breathe.

I had walked about fifty metres into a tunnel, one arm of a labyrinth spreading underground towards the Pyramid of the Sun, 2.5 kilometres away.

So recently I had stood at the very top of that pyramid and now with a group of Stargate friends, was following pathways deep beneath in the Ravne Tunnels. It was easy to walk. The tunnel was 2 metres high and lights spaced above, sufficiently lit the walls and floor. I became aware of another sensation. If I stopped and stood alone I felt as if I was being gently wrapped.

The official radiocarbon age of the Sun Pyramid is 29,200 years. The tunnels are dated at 30,000 years. No-one knows their purpose. They are still being excavated but have already revealed engravings and etched symbols yet to be interpreted.

What is known is that no negative radiations exist in the labyrinth: no cosmic (Hartman’s, Curry’s, Schneider’s) grids, no natural radioactivity or negative energy from underground waters. This clears the air of bacteria and viruses. My body was contentedly lapping up the atmosphere.
“Air circulation is perfect and allows normal breathing all the way,” our knowledgeable guide was saying, “It is made possible by different ceiling heights causing different air pressures that create air movement. The result is a natural fan. The slope is 1,5 degrees, the same slope we use today for the fine water drainage.”

Now I had the answer to the fresh air wafting over me. The guide checked to see we were paying attention. I smiled. Encouraged, he swiftly informed us,

“In the prehistoric tunnels beneath the pyramid complex here in Visoko, the constant presence of beneficial electromagnetism was measured, as well as an ultrasound of 28 kHz and the Schumann resonance of 7.83 Hz (the best energy field for the physical, mental and spiritual faculties of humankind). Additionally, an extraordinarily high concentration of negative ions was detected, up to 60,000 per cubic centimeter (ten times the concentration in, for example, the forest on mountains), as well as the absence of 1) harmful cosmic rays and 2) natural radioactivity.
“Electrical Engineer Goran Samoukovic from Belgrade has said that in these conditions, the cells of the human organism can start the self-healing process of regeneration,”

We were obviously in a very special place. Our meditations took us to a deep connection with the earth and with antiquity. Already people who come for self-treatment are finding beneficial results, Here is one example:

* * * COMING NEXT The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

IN SEARCH OF ANTIQUITY: Seeking the Pyramid of the Sun

June 22, 2019

Sarajevo, Bosnia
We were on the trail of the trio of pyramids we’d heard about, dated as older than those in Egypt, pyramids disguised until this century, as hills.

Sarajevo, Bosnia
We were on the trail of the trio of pyramids we’d heard about, dated as older than those in Egypt, pyramids disguised until this century, as hills.

An early start from our oddly named, Hollywood Hotel in the centre of town to see the largest one of three, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. A hot Spring morning which felt like Summer. Stopping some distance from it to observe its place in the landscape, we could see its point rising between trees. Closer, its distinctive shape became clear.

At Visoko we alighted and striding past houses and farmland approached the steep side of its mountainous form.
Rapidly we began to scale the lower ground till we came to a place where archeologists had unearthed huge slabs of stone from under the metre high covering of vegetation accumulated over thousands of years.

We sat upon these giant conglomerate blocks, this ancient evidence of construction, pausing to meditate under the over-hanging whisperings of pine trees,

Fortified, we began the hour-long climb stepping and stopping for breath on a five kilometre road leaning on the sharp incline of the pyramid’s side. Scrambling almost breathless up the final 300 metres over a twisting track of stones, roughened earth and coarse vegetation, we were at last level with the very top of the pyramid.

I Ignored my aching legs and marvelled at being right there, 220 metres high at the very top of the tallest stone pyramid structure on the planet. The great Pyramid in Egypt is 147 metres high. When the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is at last totally exposed it would be impossible to stand at this point.

I had read in a interesting note in a pamphlet of information about this pyramid: “A team of physicists have detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHZ (kilohertz). The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology.”

And we were within that 4.5 metre radius, now sitting there, contemplating the ruins of the Royal City of Visoko innocently built so many years ago right upon this powerful spot above a pyramid, now proven to be 29, 400 years old by the (Carbon 14) dating of fossilized leaves found between blocks of stone

From this height I looked out at the panorama before me. The 190 metre Pyramid of the Moon, second biggest stone structure in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and the third, the Pyramid of the Dragon, rose in benign silence

I stood entranced by the enormity of it all – the history, the feeling of life once active here, the talents and technical expertise that had created this complex arena, the mystery of who they were and what they intended and was there significance for us in knowing?

Alcazar was inviting us to another meditation. ‘Relax, Nothing to do. The more you relax, the more receptive you are’ The sun blazed. I closed my eyes to the pure blue of the sky and settled into a timeless place, nearly falling into sleep until I was brought back by Alcazar’s reminder ‘Stay alert, watchful, aware…’

We descended in awe to the village at street level and mindfully yet eagerly, as though assuaging an urge to return to familiar third dimensional actions, ate our lunch of chicken on skewers, tomato soup and apple strudel.

Back in Sarajevo I glanced at tomorrow’s agenda:
Exploration of intricate underground tunnel network leading to the pyramids. Warm clothes, strong shoes, readiness to wear hardhat…' I read no further.

All I wanted at that moment was literally ‘nothing to do’, just blissful sleep in the welcoming, receptive softness of my bed, at the oddly named Hollywood Hotel.

COMING UP NEXT: The Underground Tunnels

* * *


June 11, 2019

Sitting in the sun with a mermaid on Piranese rocks. April 23, 2019. The Adriatic Sea lapping softly behind me. Venice just visible over the bay.

Spring su...

Sitting in the sun with a mermaid on Piranese rocks. April 23, 2019. The Adriatic Sea lapping softly behind me. Venice just visible over the bay.

Spring sunshine and a leisure day between the Global Gathering in Portoroz (Port of Roses), Slovenia and my trip to Bosnia to see three recently discovered pyramids in Visoko near Sarajevo.

It is two months since I was in Slovenia at the Global Gathering and time now to recount a little of what took place.

At the seaside city of Portoroz. I had the honour of participating in the creation and anchoring of The Blueprint for the New Humanity with 2000 or more people from all over the world.

Three large Stargates stood in the centre of the auditorium. Translators sat in booths to relay the livestream in 8 different languages.

Led by Prageet Harris, Julieanne Conard and Alcazar of the Stargate Experience the energies built over four days to the culmination on Easter Sunday when The Blueprint was launched.

Easter Sunday, when life is celebrated and the high vibration of love and joy is felt over a large part of the earth, was deliberately chosen as the day to introduce this new level of consciousness - a blueprint to accelerate to a new level, the awakening of everyone on the planet.

The Blueprint now established, enables all of us - all human beings - to access abilities we have not had available until now, that have not been possible until this new higher vibratory level was reached.

Paying close attention to our intuition, we wait with interest to see what will unfold, what new understandings will dawn, what talents will come to light, what new abilities will begin to bud …

COMING UP NEXT: Bosnia. The Pyramid of the Sun

* * *

January New Moon 2019

January 05, 2019

Did you know the shiny side of the moon we see in the Southern Hemisphere is not the side the Northern Hemisphere sees? They see the other si...

Did you know the shiny side of the moon we see in the Southern Hemisphere is not the side the Northern Hemisphere sees? They see the other side.

The January New Moon occurs at 1.28 am on Sunday 6th January. It will be invisible. Two days later a crescent will appear.

It’s called a Capricorn New Moon: Take time to release anything still worrying you from 2018

For this new moon coincides with a partial solar eclipse. Know it to be a NEW BEGINNING , an excellent time to put your dreams into action.

Three Stargate Meditations in February 2019

January 05, 2019

If you have never been to a Stargate Meditation, come on February 4th to the Introductory Session of a group of three. If you came in September, Welcome Back.
The Stargate i...

If you have never been to a Stargate Meditation, come on February 4th to the Introductory Session of a group of three. If you came in September, Welcome Back.
The Stargate is one of the leading edge devices designed to expand awareness & consciousness.
Set an Intention, Relax, Nothing to Do. Be open to Receive

Walking on Sand

January 05, 2019

Did you know your feet will absorb antioxidants from the earth or the sand as you walk barefoot on it - or in it ?

And that antioxidants eat up free radicals and kee...

Did you know your feet will absorb antioxidants from the earth or the sand as you walk barefoot on it - or in it ?

And that antioxidants eat up free radicals and keep your cells in good shape.?

Hook your thongs on your fingers and take yourself to the seashore. Walk along the water’s edge. Feel the sand, exfoliating and caressing your soles.

Soften your eyes as you look out to sea. Tune in to the sounds of the ocean, Your shoulders drop and relax.

Your tensions are SLIPPING AWAY
Your thoughts are SLOWING DOWN
Your mind is CALM and QUIET
Your body is at PEACE

You breathe the salty air and feel the gentle beat of your heart bringing fresh lively energy into your body.