Massage person
What you can expect...

Massage and Energy Sessions
The aroma of essential oils surrounds you as you enter and relax into the softness and peace of the environment and the sounds of quiet music. The massage oils I use are pressed from Queensland's macadamia nuts - unscented or perfumed by fine quality essential oils - lavender, sweet orange or maybe ylang-ylang and lemon myrtle. There are many oils and many possible combinations. If you have a preference, tell me and I will make it for you.

Your session provides the opportunity, resources and techniques to allow your body to heal itself. I will give you exercises to do, so that you can extend the benefits of the massage in the days that follow.

Relaxation Massage gives you a beautiful sense of flow and well-being. As you relax into it, knots in muscles release, your energy is balanced, your circulatory system is stimulated and toxins are removed through the lymphatic system. Soft music and essential oils enhance the experience.

Remedial Massage will bring you relief from pain in your back, shoulders, neck, legs, arms, head, feet and hands. Techniques to relax tension in your muscles and align the body will give you a new or remembered feeling of freedom and movement.

Sports Massage - If you are a surfer, jogger, rower, tennis, football or soccer player or you take part in marathons or any other sport, you’ll find massage straight after clears lactic acid pain. Massage 48 hours after an event stabilizes tissue and realigns muscle structure to speed recovery and your return to action.

Shiatsu releases energy blocks which cause disharmony and disease. It will work to clear asthma, fatigue, sciatica, stress, headaches and depression, re-energising your body and freeing it from emotional, mental and physical stress.

Reiki restores balance to your mind and body. You may feel it as a warmth or a gentle calm while relaxing and receiving the energy. You leave feeling tuned, peaceful and renewed.

I am available 7 days a week from 7am to7pm

Sessions and prices for your massage:

I am Worksafe accredited and a member of the Australian Association of Massage Therapists (AAMT). You can claim a rebate for remedial massage from your Private Health Fund Extras Cover.

When you arrive you will notice crystals have been placed here and there in my clinic. Selenite, the cool shimmering luminescent crystal will clear and purify the environment before the session. Azezulite for the Third Eye; Mother of Platinum and Carnelian for the Heart, are the substance of the Crystal Bowls I’ll play while you relax at the end of your session. The crystal tones are truly divine.

Please call me to make an appointment.

My Story...
Chapter Three

It is 27 years since I first opened my practice in Ballarat, Victoria. The 1890’s Tudor-style house with its iron lace and leadlight windows, included rooms we do not expect today.

I chose a small room, off the passageway between the front salon and the dining room, once perhaps a box-room yet just the size for my table and rustic chest of drawers. Through the casement window apple trees and tree-ferns flourished. From an old barber’s shop, I acquired a huge framed mirror and fixed it to the apple-green wall. The room grew to twice its size and my practice blossomed.

From Ballarat to Melbourne and now at last to settle on the Sunshine Coast.

My Clinic today is in a modern house, with air conditioning and fans, built-in cupboards with mirror doors.  A bathroom adjoins my massage room.

There’s a picture on the white wall of a whale frisking its tail in the Pacific Ocean surrounding Maui. I love it because I was there watching it at a Life Transformed Coaching retreat. The sea flows and the whale plays…

Please call me to make an appointment.

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Life Coaching
Life by Design