A beach A cup Two hands A notebook
The Three Pathways
As you read take the time to notice what gets your attention.

What are you drawn to? How will you design your life?

Which one will you choose?

Life by Design ~ Life Transformed Coaching

Over 8 weeks (8 x 120 minute sessions per week) we will unravel all the core issues and begin your life’s journey creating your unique divine life. To ensure your emotional resilience is supported, it includes a 30 minute check-in each week by phone or Messenger

   • $144 x 8 paid per session or discounted if paid in full to $1064 (save $88)

Life by Design ~ Massage, Energy and Crystal Tones

Over 8 weeks (8 x 120 minutes a week) you will have an hour massage, energy work, crystal bowls session and an hour for facilitation. To ensure your emotional resilience is supported, it includes a 30 minute check-in each week by phone or Messenger.

   • $166 x 8 paid per session or discounted if paid in full to $1240 (save $88)

Life by Design ~ The Stargate Meditation Experience and Facilitation

Meditation, breathwork and facilitation. Over 8 weeks (8 x 120 minutes a week) we will meditate with the Stargate for an hour. We will follow the energy and in the second hour we will work with whatever arises. To ensure your emotional resilience is supported, it includes a 30 minute check-in each week by phone or Messenger.

   • $144 x 8 paid per session or discounted if paid in full to $1064 (save $88)

Please call or message me to make a time for your free, no obligation 45 minute session.

Request an appointment