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The Stargate Meditation

I invite you to join me on this truly unique experience.
The word 'meditation' comes from the Old French, 'meditacion' - meaning thought, reflection, study; and directly from Latin meditationem' - meaning "a thinking over".

Strange, because today we say meditation is all about calming the mind, leaving thoughts behind, going beyond the mind, a time to enjoy tranquillity within, a 'time out' to recharge and return to centre, to the heart.

Rumi, poet in the 13th century said; 'The garden of the world has no limits except in the mind. We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside'.

Thich Nhat Hanh, the Buddhist monk in the 20th century said; 'Breathing in I calm the body, breathing out I smile.'

In the Stargate Meditation we breath and feel the energy and our own vibration. Then we activate the Stargate.

There are different ways to breathe and different ways to meditate.

You will learn Heart Coherent breathing, created by the HeartMath Institute in USA ( to align the organs, calm the body, the mind and nourish the heart.

You will learn the breathing technique that restores calm to the whole nervous system after stress or before anticipated stress.

You will experience the Stargate Meditation, which very easily expands awareness and raises your vibration. No effort is needed to 'quieten the mind'. It just happens naturally.

In the Stargate Meditation there is nothing to do. Just relax and be open to receive.

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My Story...
Chapter Four

The Stargate Meditation Experience

Three years ago, I was drawn to Mt Shasta, California not knowing why. Poet Joaquin Miller’s respectful eyes had alighted upon the mountain in late 1800’s: “Lonely as God, and white as a winter moon, Mount Shasta starts up sudden and solitary from the heart of the great black forests of Northern California”, he wrote. For centuries it had been held sacred by Native American tribes. It was a power spot.

Fascinated, I attended a meditation retreat in a house, known as The Stargate Home, at the mountain’s foot.

I learnt that Prageet Harris, an English internationally known channel, had on the request and help of his guide, Alcazar, built in 1989 an original geometric structure to be called The Stargate, designed to assist and accelerate groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing their true selves - the process of awakening.

It is known now as “a leading-edge device designed to assist in the rapid expansion of human consciousness.”

So began my Stargate Experience. I returned many times to Mt Shasta. 

What it led me to do:

Excited by the aptness of the work to the rising energies in the world, I trained as a Stargate Facilitator Level 1 & 2 and brought home a small 6” version of the original geometric 10.5’ Stargate. No matter the size, it is within the specific geometry of the design that the power and abilities lie. It is gold-plated and sits in the centre of my living space.


So how does it work?

I know now that the Stargate is a Doorway to Other Dimensions. The Experience includes Stargate Meditation and personal Facilitation.

All that’s required is to have an intention for beneficial change, relax and receive the energies’.

In moments you find yourself simply and easily in deep meditation, music gently audible. Your own vibration rises as you become attuned to the energies.  You actually feel the presence of guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and Star Families – often the Pleiadians or Arcturians.

The Stargate frequencies assist in dissolving limiting behaviour, help re-align energy, create physical, mental or emotional healing, past-life remembering and re-activation of psychic abilities. The guides, aware of the needs of each person present, tailor the experience individually for each person during the meditation. When I heard this I was impressed. To be known and catered for in this way was exceptional.

What started at Mt Shasta has spread to Europe, UK and North and South America. I am delighted to bring it to Australia, activate it country-wide and hold sessions on the Sunshine Coast for those who have a passion to awaken to their divinely real self. I call my sessions Stargate Awakening.

Here is some additional information you might find interesting…

  1. The Stargate has a consciousness.

It was a surprise for me at first, to hear that the unique sacred-geometric design has a consciousness, which responds to individuals and groups, creating multi-dimensional experiences for those meditating.

  1. Stargate re-activates our Quantum-Self.

On a Quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of our:

Being open to the possibility of new ideas, beneficial change and the development of new skills and new aspects of ourselves makes for an exciting life...

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Life by Design